Plas Heli

The Welsh National Sailing Academy and Events Centre

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The Plas Heli Visitor, Training and Events Pontoons

The Winter Rates apply up until 31st March 2021 .

The 2021 Summer and 2021/22 Winter Rates are being reviewed.


The visitor and events pontoons are located to the north of Hafan marina and has it's own access bridge from the new quay and to the west of Plas Heli.



The Plas Heli pontoons are also available on short term agreements, for boats of any sizes from RIBs to big keel boats. Presently there is a choice of two types of berthing agreements:

Short Term Contract:

These short term agreements are suitable for boats who are regular users of the pontoons and are invoiced monthly.

Winter Rate 1st October 2020 to 31st March 2021

The current winter contract charge rate is £0.77 per meter per night inclusive of VAT plus 10% for electricity. 

These berths are limited in number and will be allocated on a first come basis.

Apply for a monthly berth by completing this form, fill in the form and we will be in contact shortly.

Please read and note that all berthing agreements are subject to these terms and Conditions.

The Plas Heli Berthing Aplliccation form is available as a printable pdf here.

Your stay on the Plas Heli pontoons will be subject to our Terms and Conditions

Please note, in particular, that you must have a minimum third party insurance of £3,000,000.

We also point out the following:

  • The shore facilities in Plas Heli are only available during the usual opening hours.
  • There are electric hook-up points on the Plas Heli pontoons and we have a with or without electricity charging rate. 
  • The secure access gate is operated by entering a security number on the key pad entry system. Berth holders will be provided with the access code.
  • All Plas Heli berth holders have free parking on the Quay Side parking area and will be provided with the gate padlock access code
  • Please make sure the gate is locked at all times.
  • All Plas Heli berth holders have free use of the Plas Heli showers and toilet facilities including the ‘Out of Hours’ toilets and shower facility at Plas Heli on payment of £10 deposit for the key. This facility is exclusive for Plas Heli Berth holders and Plas Heli motor home users.
  • Berth holders should satisfy themselves that hey have taken all reasonable precautions against theft or damage
  • Neither Plas Heli, Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club, Cyngor Gwynedd Council, Hafan Marina nor their staff, subcontractors, volunteers or agents are responsible for berth holders vessels in any way whatsoever while berthed on Plas Heli pontoons.
  • Environmental Code of Conduct – all berth holders must comply with the Hafan’s Environmental Code of Conduct (see Hafan handbook pg.8).

Facilities at Plas Heli

Prepared for Prize Giving
Main Compound in Use
New tents area in the Main Compound
MainHall Formal Diner
One Outside Prize Giving Option
Entrance to Main Hall
Rce Management Bridge
Prize Giving at RYA UK Youth Championships
Plas Heli Pontoons
Wide access bridge
Plas Heli Pontoons - Main Walkway
Versadock in use

Quick Links to Plas Heli - Facilities

| Pontoons - Berths at Plas Heli | Camping at Plas Heli | Room Hire at Plas Heli | Other Facilities | Bar and Catering |

Plas Heli Cyf is a Community Enterprise, Not for Profit Distribution Company

Contact Information

At Phone Sign Meaning Contact Web And MobilePlas Heli Cyf. Glan y Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5YT

Catering and Bar:        01758 614 442
(only catering enquiries to this telephone number please)

Please note the office is not manned and your enquiries would be attended to more efficiently if you send an e-mail to the appropriate department - please use the appropriate link from the 'contact us' here

Company Registration No. 08082514
VAT No. GB 164061430