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Ken Skates AM, Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism, attended the Welsh Youth and Junior Championships on 25th April and had an opportunity to visit the new Plas Heli building.
He could see how Plas Heli, the operating company for the Welsh National Sailing Academy and Events Centre, was placing Wales firmly on the World stage in international sailing events. He also saw how we are catering for grass roots entry to water sports, our excellent community engagement, how Plas Heli is embracing the Destination Management Plan and contrubuting substantially to the local economy.
He enthused about everything on offer and hopes to return for one of our international events in the summer.
He has a keen interest and experience with our sport that augurs well for the future.
24th April 2015
By the following Stakeholders:
The stakeholders were invited to a meeting at Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club to consider a joint response to the ‘Gwynedd Council Pwllheli Harbour maintenance dredging strategy’ prepared by consulting engineers ARUP and dated 25th March 2015.
Copies of the Draft Strategy had been circulated to the stakeholders with the meeting invitation.
Those present confirmed that they represented their respective organisations and it was concluded that we were all likeminded and approved a joint response to the report.
The Strategy was welcomed and the stakeholders asked that the report’s conclusion could be implemented as soon as possible as a full suite of measures required to provide a credible maintenance dredging strategy for Pwllheli harbour.
The group concluded that the reports presentation and future usability would be improved if the conclusions on page 39 were repeated as part of an Executive Summary at the beginning of the document with an indication of a timetable for the actions outlined and to include the following bullets:
The stakeholders were also of the opinion that the suite of measures should also include the following:
Name | Organisation/s | Confirmed / Signature |
Stephen Tudor | Plas Heli and Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club | Confirmed |
Michael Parry | Plas Heli and Partneriaeth Pwllheli | Confirmed |
Ruth James | Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club and PMBHA | Confirmed |
Bohdan Borzykowski | Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club and PMBHA | Confirmed |
Mark Thompson | Pwllheli Mooring and Berth Holders’ Association | Confirmed |
Nan Langford | Pwllheli Mooring and Berth Holders’ Association | Confirmed |
Paul Langford | Pwllheli Mooring and Berth Holders’ Association | Confirmed |
Richard Tudor | Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club and Plas Heli | Confirmed |
Andrew Picken | Chamber of Trade | Confirmed |
Wil Partington | Marine Traders Association | Confirmed |
Mewn seremoni wobrwyo yr wythnos diwethaf cyflwynodd RYA Cymru Wales wobr am Gyfraniad Arbennig i Stephen Tudor am ei waith yng Nghlwb Hwylio Pwllheli ac am ei gyfraniad anferth presonol i ddatblygiad yr Academi Hwylio Genedlaethol Cymru a Chanolfan Ddigwyddiadau newydd ym Mhwllheli.
Mae Stephen wedi bod yn aelod o Glwb Hwylio Pwllheli ers ei fod yn 8 oed ac mae wedi bod ar amryw o bwyllgorau ers ei ddyddiau cynnar, mae wedi bod yn Ysgrifennydd Anrhydeddus ers amser ac roedd yn Fôrlywydd rhwng 2012 a 2014.
Darllen mwy: Gwobrwyo Dyfalbarhad ac Angerdd Dyn Busnes o Bwllheli
Mae Plas Heli yn chwilio am aelod arall o staff. Hoffech chi fod yn rhan o'n tîm a'r gyfnod hynod llawn cyffro?
Mae gan Plas Heli Cyf gyfle cyffrous i gynorthwy-ydd swyddfa. Bydd gofyn cynorthwyo’r swyddog cyllid a gweithio fel rhan o dîm i sicrhau bod y cwmni a’i ddigwyddiadau yn rhedeg mor llyfn â phosibl.
Hyddysg gyda Microsoft Office a Sage Accounting
Profiad o ofal cwsmer
Persona hyderus a rhadlon, yn enwedig ar y ffôn.
Anfonwch eich CV at:
Dyddiad cau: 10 Ebrill 2015
Saturday 21st March - a site visit with the Optimist European Championship Committee.
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Yr olygfa o'r bwyty newydd yn edrych dros y balconi a mynyddoedd Eryri yn y pellter
Edrych i lawr i'r Neuadd |
Edrych o'r balconi tuag at yr Wyddfa |
Mwy o luniau yma
Saturday 21st March - a site visit with the Optimist European Championship Committee.
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Nos Iau, Mawrth y 5ed 2015 - arbrofi gydag effeithiau golau ar yr adeilad newydd.
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| Angorfeydd yn Plas Heli | Gwersylla yn Plas Heli | Llogi Ystafell yn Plas Heli | Cyfleusterau Eraill | Bar ac Arlwyo |
Mae Plas Heli Cyf yn Gwmni Dosbarthu Menter Gymunedol, Dielw
Plas Heli Cyf. Glan y Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5YT
Arlwyo a Bar: 01758 614 442
(dim ond ymholiadau arlwyo i'r rhif ffôn yma os gwelwch yn dda).
Sylwch nad oes staff yn y swyddfa ac y byddai eich ymholiadau'n cael eu trin yn fwy effeithlon pe baech yn anfon e-bost i'r adran briodol.
Defnyddiwch y ddolen briodol o'r tudalen 'Cysylltwch a Ni' .
Plas Heli Cyf Glany Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5YT
Cwmni Cofrestredig. Rhif: 08082514
Rhif TAW: GB 164061430