Plas Heli

Academi Hwylio Genedlaethol a Chanolfan Ddigwyddiadau

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Plas Heli Pontoon Berth (and Dry Berth) Application

The Plas Heli Pontoons Berths, Sport Boats (Dry Berth), Visitor Berths, Training and Events Pontoons, 

We have started to plan the 2025 berth allocations.

Theis 'On-line 2025 Berth Application Form' is now ready for use.

Berths will be allocated on a first come basis.

Please Note:

Our electricity costs remain high and we must pass this cost on to our customers.  The charge in 2024/25 is set at 15% of the berth fee (20% for winter months).

However, we expect our customers to be careful with their usage and follow our 'Fair and Acceptable Use Policy'. We will carry out rouitine checks on consumption, and excess use (over the fee amout) will be charged as an extra. Customers can also apply for a pay as you go service. 


updated - 22/11/2024

The berths are suitable for boats of any sizes from RIBs, Sportboats, PowerBoats and big keel boats. 

There are five different berthing options available, as follows:

  • Annual Berth Contract -12 months from 1st April (or from 1st January)
  • Seasonal Berth Contract - 8 months – (March to October inclusive)
  • Monthly Berth Contract –for the whole month in advance (Summer or Winter terms)
  • Short-Stay Berth Contracts – calculated for every night stay
  • Sports-Boat /Trailer Sailor (Dry Berth):
    • - Annual (12 months from 1st April) or
    • - Seasonal (April to September inclusive)

Find out more by proceeding to the next page!


Please select the type of Berth Contract that suites your requirements from the four available options below:

The tabs are coloured:
Red - No Longer Avaialbe.
Amber - Coming Soon - Call back later
Green - Ready to Use



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Annual Berth Agreements - 1st January 2025  OR 1st April 2025

Annual Berth:
1st January 2025 to 31st December 2025
1st April 2025 to 31st March 2026 

£425 per meter for 12 months from 1st January OR 1st April. 

This rate is inclusive of VAT but electricity is an extra 15%  subject to our Fair and Acceptable Use Policy or apply for a Pay as you use meter.

These berths are limited in number and will be allocated on a first come basis.

For boats under 10m charging is per meter, rounded up to the nearest half meter.

The contract is for the whole year and no discounts will be given for vacant periods.

Apply for an annual berth by completing this form and we will be in contact shortly.

Please read and note that all berth contracts are subject to our terms and Conditions and the Data Protection Policy

Subject to Conditions

Seasonal Berth Contract:

These Long term agreements are suitable for boats who berth for the season

Long Seasonal Berthing Agreements (1st March 2025 to 31st October 2025)

Long Seasonal Berth (1st March 2025 to 31st October 2025)

£322.50 per meter for 8 months from 1st  March 2025 to 31st October 2025  

This rate is inclusive of VAT but electricity is an extra 15%  subject to our Fair and Acceptable Use Policy or apply for a Pay as you use meter.

These berths are limited in number and will be allocated on a first come basis.

Apply for a 'long seasonal berth' by completing this form and we will be in contact shortly.

The amout paid is for the period - there is no discount for a shorter stay.

For boats under 10m charging is per meter, rounded up to the nearest half meter.

Please read and note that all berth contracts are subject to our terms and Conditions and the Data Protection Policy

Subject to Conditions

Monthly Berth Contract:

These monthly berth contracts are suitable for boats who are regular users of the pontoons and are invoiced monthly in advance. These are subject to availability and can be added to the end of the above seasonal contract.

Payment for the whole month in advance – no discounts for part months.

The rates vary depending on the season.

The Winter Rate 1st October 2024 to 31st March 2025

Please help us maintain this reduced rate by paying promptly in advance 

The winter contract charge rate is £31.00 per meter per month

This rate is inclusive of VAT but electricity is an extra 22% subject to our Fair and Acceptable Use Policy or apply for a Pay as you use meter. 

These berths are limited in number and will be allocated on a first come basis.

The amout paid is for the month from the 1st day of the month, for the whole month - there is no discount for a shorter stay.

For boats under 10m charging is per meter, rounded up to the nearest half meter.

If you want a shorter period please apply for a 'Short-Stay' berth.

Please read and note that all berthing agreements are subject to these terms and Conditions and the Data Protection Policy

Short Stay Berths Contracts:

These berths are for customers who do not want to commit to a monthly contract, typically visiting the area for a short period or park and launch.

These are subject to availability and can be added to the start or end of any of the above contracts (Monthly Contracts)

Winter Rate 1st October 2024 to 31st March 2025

The visitor winter charge rate is £2.50 per meter per night

This rate is inclusive of VAT but electricity is an extra 22% subject to our Fair and Acceptable Use Policy

Subject to a minimum fee of £25 per stay and 8m minimum charging length and rounded up to the nearest half meter..

Please read and note that all berthing agreements are subject to these 'Terms and Conditions' and the Data Protection Policy 

Sport Boat - Trailer Sailor (Dry Berth) Contracts:

These contracts are for Trailer Sailor boats only and comes with the use of the Plas Heli crane (subject to conditioons) and a rafted berth on the Plas Heli Pontoons as directed by Plas Heli.


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Now please provide your details and informattion about your boat

The information will be collected and held by Plas Heli for the purpose of allocating your berth in accordance with our Data Protection Policy 

Your data will not be shared with any other party

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This is where you provide information about your boat.

Please note: Length Overall (LOA) is the maximum length that your vessel will occupy - this includes all appendages. See our Terms and Conditions No. 42.



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Please provide us with your intended (or estimated) dates of arrival and departure so that we can can reserve an appropriate berth for your stay.


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Select as many Vessel use types as are appropriate

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Please read the information about the Electricity Pay as you use policy - here

Please read our Fair and Acceptable Usage Policy -here

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Your stay on the Plas Heli pontoons will be subject to our Terms and Conditions

Please note, in particular, that you must have a minimum third party insurance of £3,000,000.

We also point out the following:

  • The shore facilities in Plas Heli are only available during the usual opening hours.
  • There are electric hook-up points on the Plas Heli pontoons and we have a with or without electricity charging rate. 
  • The secure access gate is operated by entering a security number on the key pad entry system. Berth holders will be provided with the access code.
  • All Plas Heli berth holders have free parking on the Quay Side parking area and will be provided with the gate padlock access code
  • Please make sure the gate is locked at all times.
  • All Plas Heli berth holders have free use of the Plas Heli showers and toilet facilities including the ‘Out of Hours’ toilets and shower facility at Plas Heli on payment of £10 deposit for the key. This facility is exclusive for Plas Heli Berth holders and Plas Heli motor home users.
  • Berth holders should satisfy themselves that hey have taken all reasonable precautions against theft or damage
  • Neither Plas Heli, Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club, Cyngor Gwynedd Council, Hafan Marina nor their staff, subcontractors, volunteers or agents are responsible for berth holders vessels in any way whatsoever while berthed on Plas Heli pontoons.
  • Environmental Code of Conduct – all berth holders must comply with the Hafan’s Environmental Code of Conduct (see Hafan handbook pg.8).

Dolenni Cyflym Tudalennau Cyfleusterau Plas Heli

| Angorfeydd yn Plas Heli | Gwersylla yn Plas Heli | Llogi Ystafell yn Plas Heli | Cyfleusterau Eraill  | Bar ac Arlwyo |

Mae Plas Heli Cyf yn Gwmni Dosbarthu Menter Gymunedol, Dielw


Gwybodaeth Cyswllt

At Phone Sign Meaning Contact Web And MobilePlas Heli Cyf. Glan y Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5YT

Arlwyo a Bar:       01758 614 442
(dim ond ymholiadau arlwyo i'r rhif ffôn yma os gwelwch yn dda).

Sylwch nad oes staff yn y swyddfa ac y byddai eich ymholiadau'n cael eu trin yn fwy effeithlon pe baech yn anfon e-bost i'r adran briodol.

Defnyddiwch y ddolen briodol o'r tudalen 'Cysylltwch a Ni' .

Plas Heli Cyf Glany Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5YT

Cwmni Cofrestredig.  Rhif: 08082514
Rhif TAW: GB 164061430